Health Senior Citizens

Aiding in Memory

Individuals with dementia may find it hard to remember details of a recent conversation and event. This can occur due to the damage that their brain is facing resulting in information not being fully stored, if at all. Basically, this means that they cannot recall because they do not have that particular memory like you would.

Now, there are various ways you can help such as… 

  • Pictures and written descriptions can be useful records of things that have happened. Encourage the person to use a notebook, diary, journal, planner, or calendar to record events and conversations. 
  • Give simple answers to questions and repeat them as often as needed. You can also write the answer down, so that the person has a note of it. It won’t help to tell them that they have heard the information before.
  • If the person cannot remember whether they have done something or not, try to give context to your question and include prompts. For example you can say, ‘It must be a while since you ate breakfast, are you hungry?’ rather than saying, ‘Have you had breakfast?’ See the difference in the queries?

So, with these suggestions in mind, it will not only help the senior, but the caregiver as well. The less stress surrounded with memory related health issues the better everyone will feel.

Now, be sure to stay healthy, so you can attend our Senior Trade Shows Expos! There you’ll see our theme for all our 2024 expos is Fun Fiesta! Check out our flyer below to save the upcoming date on your calendar! Just click for more information, on registering to attend. In the meantime, we would appreciate you liking us on Facebook.