Health Senior Citizens

National Stroke Awareness

Stroke awareness is essential for everyone, especially seniors. There are ways to focus on prevention care. There are five categories you can improve upon to go down the road of a healthy lifestyle.

Options to advance upon include…

Healthy diet: Eating high fiber and low sodium foods such as berries, melons, green leafy vegetables, brown rice, quinoa, lean meats and fish. 

Healthy weight: Keeping a stable weight is important for your Body Mass Index (BMI.) Being overweight or obese can only contribute to a stroke. 

Physical activity: Between two to three hours of moderate aerobic physical activity, such as a brisk walk, every week is beneficial. 

No smoking: If you are already a smoker it’s time to start decreasing your cigarettes and get ready to quit completely. 

Limited alcohol: Alcohol can be known to raise blood pressure. So, following the proper serving sizes in regards to ounces (approximately two), and how many glasses is essential. Basically, the less the better per meal. 

Now, if you have any suggestions for health improvements to share with us, we’d love to hear from you! However, if you happen to need some ideas to get started, then please feel free to join our senior community to connect and communicate with others. That way, you’ll be able boost your health into a positive direction. In the meantime, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram.