Health Senior Citizens Travel

Summer Safety Tips for Seniors

Summer is officially here! While it’s great for activities such as the beach and camping, it’s not always the best to maintain optimal health. Now, there are certain summer safety tips that seniors can take to stay perfectly healthy.

Just think about the following…

Avoiding Dehydration: It is important to stay hydrated, especially while outside in the sun. Most people don’t drink enough water on regular basis. Try to drink eight or more glasses a day, particularly if you’re medications can cause sweats.

Eye Care: Now, if you’re prescription glasses aren’t transitions be sure to wear a pair of sunglasses to avoid the glare. Plus, wear a hat with a visor.

Skin Care: Use sunblock that is at least 15 SPF and water resistant, especially if you’re going swimming in an ocean or pool.

Now, additional tips include wearing breathable and lightweight clothing that are not dark in color because that will just attract more heat to your body. Having a small handheld, battery powered fan can keep you cool while you’re not inside with air conditioning. Lastly, check the weather report before planning an outing.

So, if you have any summer safety suggestions you would like to share with us, we’d love to hear from you! However, if you happen to need some advice to avoid any gaps in your fun, then please feel free to like us on Facebook. That way, you’ll be able to join our senior community to connect and communicate with others who have experienced summer lows.